Dear Sirs,
Fujifilm Silver Microfilm
Back in 2013 Genus – The Microfilm Shop reintroduced the full range of Fujifilm silver microfilm original and duplicate films to the European, Middle East and African (EMEA) markets.
Genus did this at a time when the market was seeing a lot of manufacturing consolidation and some very large price rises. Genus and Fujifilm allowed the microfilm industry to buy a well-respected microfilm brand at prices similar to historic norms.
In addition to offering an alternative and economically priced brand to the market Genus also committed to long term price stability to comfort the market that we were not a short-term player intent on profit maximisation. In fact we bettered our original commitment by keeping prices completely steady for 3 whole years – not one price rise in 3 years!
To keep prices steady for 3 years is a major feat in any market, and for any product, but Genus and Fujifilm have achieved that.
So now you are expecting the big price increase, aren’t you?!
Well, No! – this is to let you know that after 3 years of no price rises we are only going to increase our Fujifilm prices by 5%. This price rise will not come into effect until May 1st (so please stock up now at the old prices) and this price is guaranteed for a minimum of 12 months.
The current prices of FM-33 and FM-66 16mm x 30.5m and 16mm x 66m Archive Writer Film are not affected and will remain as they are – no price rise at all on Archive Writer Film.
Diazo Duplicating Film
In the last 12 months, there have been some significant and multiple double figure price rises in the cost of diazo from the only manufacturer left in the microfilm diazo industry. Genus – The Microfilm Shop has protected its clients by buying large volumes of stock at the old prices and by absorbing some of the price rises. We have not changed our diazo prices to our clients at all.
Now we have gone one step further to both help our clients and to show our commitment to the long-term security of the microfilm market. Genus – The Microfilm Shop is now proud to announce that we are manufacturing microfilm diazo in the United Kingdom. This means that there are now two worldwide manufacturers of microfilm diazo again. However, we are not just manufacturing standard diazo. We own the rights and formulas to the whole Kalle Hoechst range of Ozaphan diazo recipes, including the famous crystal clear M Black. We are also manufacturing by using an industry standard process of renting time on the most sophisticated and up to date coating machines. This means that we can ramp production up and down according to demand without causing major issues to the core “per square meter” cost. It means that we are in an ideal position to provide microfilm diazo well into the long term.
Unfortunately, we still have to pass on diazo price rises but due to our new manufacturing capability in the UK it means that the price rises are significantly lower than seen from elsewhere in the world market place. These new price rises will become effective from 1st May 2017 and, in another attempt to help our clients as much as possible in these changing times, we will hold all current prices until May 1st.
We are also willing to help our loyal dealers in another way – if you buy all of your Ozaphan diazo AND Fujifilm silver products from us then we can offer a further 10% discount from our new diazo prices. By trying to encourage larger order placements it allows us to help you with further discounts.
To get samples of our new diazo please contact us at your convenience.
Non-Diazo and Silver Film Consumables
In addition to the announcements on Diazo and Silver film above, May 1st will also be when we raise the prices of our general consumables by 3%. This is a regular annual price rise.
Thank you for your understanding but if you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us.