Multimedia Digitisation Services

We are proud to now offer a complete range of multimedia digitisation services, restoration and archiving solutions.

  • Analogue film (Image & Sound)

Analyses, reports, assessment, check, repair, cleaning, comparing, conditioning of all types & formats of analogue film as also workflow recommendations for preservation & restoration

Motion picture film processing 8mm/16mm/35mm black and white & colour negative/ positive, black and white & colour reversal

Motion picture film printing, black and white & colour, 8mm/16mm/35mm

Film recording (digital data to film negative), black and white & colour, 16mm/35mm

High-End film digitisation, 8mm/ 16mm/ 35mm ARRISCAN XT, Scanity HDR

Low-budget film digitisation, 8mm/16mm/35mm

  • Video

Video digitisation of numerous formats/types like HDcam, U-matic, VHS, DVCam etc

  • Sound

Sound recording (digital audio to optical sound negative) 16mm/35mm

High-End sound digitisation Sondor resonances 16mm/35mm

Sound digitisation of numerous formats/types like 16mm magnetic tape, 1/4″ reel to reel magnetic tape, DA88, DAT, Compact Cassettes CC etc.

  • Digital Restoration

Adjustment of colours (colour grading)

Digital image treatment, like removal of dust/scratches/defects, stabilisation etc


  • File creation, backup and long term archiving

Creation of a variety of file types for distribution & archiving like for streaming, cinema distribution (h264, ProRes, DCP) for archiving (DCDM, ffv1/MKV)

Backup on LTO tapes for long term archiving

multimedia digitisation reel

Details auf Deutsch

Analoger Film (Bild & Ton)

Analysen, Befunde, Beurteilungen, Prüfungen, Reparaturen, Reinigungen,

Vergleiche, Aufbereitung von allen Filmtypen & -formaten,

so wie Beratung für Erhaltung & Restaurierung.

Filmentwicklung (Kinofilm) 8mm/ 16mm/ 35mm

Schwarzweiss- & Farbnegativ/ -positiv, Schwarzweiss- & Farbumkehr

Filmkopierung (Kinofilm), Schwarzweiss & Farbe, 8mm/ 16mm/ 35mm

Filmausbelichtung (digitale Daten auf Filmnegativ),

Schwarzweiss & Farbe, 16mm/ 35mm

High-End Filmdigitalisierung, 8mm/ 16mm/ 35mm


Low-budget Filmdigitalisierung, 8mm/ 9.5mm/ 16mm/ 35mm

Filmfabriek, Telecine Spirit, BMD Cintel


Herstellung Lichttonnegativ (digitaler Ton zu optischem Tonnegativ) 16mm/ 35mm

High-End Tondigitalisierung Sondor Resonances 16mm/ 35mm

Tondigitalisierung von verschiedenen Medienformaten/ -typen wie

16mm Magnetband, 1/4″ Spulentonband, DA88, DAT, Audiokassetten etc


Videodigitalisierung von verschiedenen Medienformaten/ -typen wie

HDcam, U-matic, VHS, DVCam etc

Digital Restaurierung

Anpassung der Farben (colour grading/ Lichtbestimmung)

Digitale Bildbearbeitung wie Entfernung von Staub/ Kratzer/ Schäden,

Stabilisierungen etc.

Dateienerstellung, Sicherung, Langzeitarchivierung

Erstellung verschiedener Dateitypen für Auswertung/ Verleih & Archivierung wie

für Streaming, Kinoauswertung (h264, ProRes, DCP)

für Archivierung (DCDM, ffv1/MKV)

Sicherung auf LTO -Bänder für Langzeitarchivierung


Objektive & Kameraequipment, analog & digital

Détails en français

Analog film (image & son)

Analyses, constats, évaluations, contrôles, réparations, nettoyages,

comparaisons, préparation de tous les types & formats de films,

ainsi que services de conseils pour la conservation et la restauration.

Développement film 8mm/ 16mm/ 35mm

Noir & blanc- & couleur négatif/ -positif, noir & blanc- & couleur reversible

Tirage, noir & blanc- & couleur, 8mm/ 16mm/ 35mm

Retour sur film (support digital sur négatif image),

Noir & blanc- & couleur, 16mm/ 35mm

High-End numérisation, 8mm/ 16mm/ 35mm


Low-budget numérisation, 8mm/ 9.5mm/ 16mm/ 35mm

Filmfabriek, Telecine Spirit, BMD Cintel


Négatif son optique (audio digital sur négatif son), 16mm/ 35mm

High-End numérisation de son Sondor Resonances, 16mm/ 35mm

Numérisation de son des supports & formats divers comme

16mm bande magnétique, 1/4″ magnétique, DA88, DAT, Audiokassetten etc


Numérisation de vidéo des supports & formats divers comme

HDcam, U-matic, VHS, DVCam etc

Restauration numérique

Adjustment des couleurs (colour grading/ étalonnage)

Traitment numérique de l’image comme enlèvement de poussière/ rayures/ defauts,

stabilisation etc.

Création de fichiers, sauvegarde, archivage longue durée

Création de différents types de fichiers pour l’évaluation/la location et l’archivage tels que

pour le streaming, la sortie en salles (h264, ProRes, DCP)

pour l’archivage (DCDM, ffv1/MKV)

Sauvegarde sur bandes LTO pour un archivage à long terme

Location d’appareil photo

Objectifs et équipement photo, analogiques et numériques

About Multimedia Digitisation

Our studio, based in the midlands has been specifically designed for the digitisation and scanning of heritage and modern material. All digitisation and storage takes place in a humidity and temperature controlled environment with correct protocols followed to ensure the best possible handling of material. Industry leading digital capture equipment and techniques ensure optimum digital output across a wide range of material. Our staff are fully trained and accredited in the handling of delicate and valuable items. A ‘white glove’ approach and the use of specialist lighting, cradles and supports, limits the risk of any damage to the original items.


Outsource or On-Site?
Our digitisation centre provides a hassle-free option for outsourced digitisation and scanning projects but we also know that for certain projects onsite scanning is more appropriate, for example due to reasons of confidentiality, security or nature of the material. Genus provides the option of an on-site service team for these requirements. We will arrange for you to be visited by a digitisation specialist who can discuss your aims and objectives. They will review your current collections and help you set out a plan to turn your originals into a digital library, using the most suitable digital capture techniques.

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    Multimedia digitisation equipment