Saving hours of post-processing time compared to conventional capture processes. Like a book scanner, workflows are created and jobs within the workflow are created. These jobs contain all of the associated settings and can be opened and closed as required.
Multidotscan is an intuitive new book scanning software to the UK market that allows digital cameras from Canon to be used like a book scanner.

Ease of Use
Simple operational, editing and saving commands.
Automatic Editing Features
Images are captured within the software and features such as automatic crop, page split and deskew can be applied prior to saving.
Multiple File Formats
Images can be outputted as TIFF, PDF or PDF/A. Dual output can be applied if required.
Multi-Device Compliant
The software is fully compatible with ATIZ systems and Canon and Nikon Cameras. Many users are already enjoying the functionality of this software coupled with their ATIZ hardware.
Photo Negative Capture
When capturing photo negatives a lightbox can be used and positive output can be selected to reduce the need for post processing.
Download Brochure
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Features Include:
- Workflow and job creation
- Deskew prior to save
- Auto page split prior to save
- Auto crop prior to save
- Pagination, Recto Verso
- Negative/Positive Output
- TIFF, PDF, PDF/A dual outputs
- Two screen operating system, live view and workflow
- Full camera control
- White balance
- ICC colour calibration
- Compatible with Canon, Nikon and ATIZ systems
Multidotscan in live view
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